Bihar Board 12th English Book 50 Marks Solutions Chapter 6 Robin

Looking to improve English skills and gain more subject knowledge then the best resources that you can use here is Bihar Board Class 12 English Solutions Chapter 6 Robin. In the Bihar Class 12 English Chapter 6 Robin and Culture textbook solution pdf, subject experts covered all types of questions and answers related to the topics, quick notes, summary, solved & unsolved exercises, etc. If you are planning to prepare Chapter via textbook, then you’re suggested to go with this Bihar Board Class 12 English Chapter Textbook Solutions PDF for better understanding and preparation

BSEB Bihar Board 12th English Book 50 Marks Solutions Chapter 6 Robin

If you have any queries take the help of the Bihar Board Class 12 English Solutions Chapter 6 Robin and Culture and learn all the topics in it effectively. Make use of the Bihar Board Solutions for Class 12 English be it Passages, Meanings, Comprehensions, Sentence Correction, or any other random topic of your choice. We have everything covered and you can Practice them often to score better grades in your exam. By going through the Bihar Board Solutions for Class 12 English you can attempt the actual exam with utmost confidence.

Bihar Board Class 12 English Robin Text Book Questions and Answers

Question 1.
How did the author obtain his dog ?
The author bought this dog for fifteen rupees. Pincha was the smallest and the thinnest of the litter Jim Corbett named Robin, in memory of a faithful old collie who had saved his young brother, aged four. He trained the dog with great care.

Question 2.
For what purpose was Robin being trained ?
Robin was being trained properly. Actually the author had made him a good friend. As we know that Jim Corbett was a great hunter. Hunting was his hobby. He always liked to spend his times in hunting. Thus, he trained Robin so that it might help him in hunting and hours of need and crisis in life.

Question 3.
What happened after Robin chased the langur dawn the hill side?
The author and Robin spent the summer in the hills and on their annual journey to the foothills in November, at the end of a long fifteen mile walking when they went to a comer alonger of a big troop jumped of the hill side and crossed the road a few inches away from Robin. Without hearing the command of the author, Robin chased it and it safely went up a tree. It was very dangerous to chase langur.

Question 4.
What lesson did Robin learn from this experience ?
Robin leam a very good lesson from this experience. He was very pround of his dog. But one day he got bitter experiences in the Jungle. His life was in danger. Any how he saved his life from the leopard. Since then they was very and conscious. He had wonderful control over his nervous and always remained mute in the forest while doing tracking.

Question 5.
Why is it best to go shooting on foot ?
To go shooting on foot is the best way. Sometimes it is very dangerous to go shooting by riding on an animal. It is very difficult to save oneself by riding on an animal. On the other hand it is very esay to turn away on foot see a dangerous beast in the bush. Actually it is a much easier to kill an animal shooting on foot.

Question 6.
Why did the author not mark the spot where he shoot the leopard?
We know that the author shoot a leopard, one day. It was a matter of great courage and bravery. Robin had shot at the leopard from a very close range. He had fired at the leopard at the short range. He had seen the bullet stike. The bullet had gone right through the leopard’s body. So the author did not mark the sport.

Question 7.
How did Robin always show the presence of leopard ?
Robin always showed the presence of a leopard around him. He was very bold and brave. He had got the rifle to his shoulder when the leopard burst through the intervening bushes and sprang at him. On the occasion Robin said, “It is never safe to assume that a leopard is dead unit it has been skinned.” Actually he was always careful of the leopards in the jungle. He knew all that was worth knowing about this method of locating the position of an animal by cutting across the wind. Actually he was always alert.

Question 8.
Why was the author very careful about approaching the leopard?
It is true of say that the author was very much careful about approaching the leopard. He feard that the leopard might attack him. He always remained with his rifle and arms. In the jungle he was alert and active. He took all measures to protect himself and his friends from all dangers. He came to the range first to shoot at the leopard. He tried for his correct aim to fire at. Actually he was carefull all the time.

Question 9.
What did Robin do when the leopard finally sprang ?
Robin was very active in all respects. But, once it so happened that leopard’s spring and his short were simultaneous. He took side-step and from his hip into his side as he passed him. As he was very expert, he took correct measures. He did his duty tactfully.

Question 10.
What, happened to the leopard in the end ?
Robin and his hunting dog worked jointly. They did their duty actively. Robin shoot at the leopard skillfully. He fired at him with a correct aim. He tried many times. At last he shoot at the leopard. At a little distance the leopard was laying dead who put on a good battle, but lost at last.

Question 11.
Discuss the ideas contained in the essay entitled, “Robin”.
Or, Narrate the story “Robin” in your own words.
Or, Show that you have read and understood “Robin”.
Or, Show your acequaintance with the story entitled “Robin” in your own words.
Or, Write to brief the story of “Robin” by J. Corbett.
Or, Bring out the main points of the essay written by J. Corbett.
This is the story of “Robin”, which was Jim Corbett’s dog. When the author bought the dog, he was told it was a spanial and its name was Pincha. Its father was a perce hunter dog. Of the litter of seven, it was the smallest and thinest. From the beginning it had great liking for the author. When the author brought it, it was three months old and it cost was fifteen rupees. When the author is telling the story, it was thirteen years old.

It was given its first meal after getting bathed with warm water and soap. Its name was rechristened Robin in the memory of a faithful old collie who had saved his few year old brother’s life and when he was six-from a furious she bear. Robin are its meal regularly.

One day, the author took it out to have some training at the lower end of the author’s estate filled with some dense bushes. The author brought a peafowl near Robin. It landed on the thorny bushes and Robin attached it. The author kept himself out of the thorny bushes. Soon Robin killed the bird and he danced around. His first lesson was over. The next few days it was given small birds to hunt.

The author & Robin Spent the summer in the hills and on their annual journey to the foolthills in November, at the end of a long fifteen lie walking when they went to a comer, a langur of a big troop jumped of the hill side and crossed the road a few inches away from Robin. Without hearing the command of the author, Robin chased it and it safely went up a tree.

Robin had hardly entered these bushes when as enormous leopard chased it. The author shouted his commands. The men carrying his sister’s dandy also started shouting many langurs also startd shouting their alarm-calls. Finally the leopard left Robin and it rejoined the author and his men Robin some lessons from this incident

Grammetical Questions

In exercise 2 below, re-write all the sentences like sentence (ii) below:

Question 2.
(i) The bullet struck. I saw it
(ii) I saw the bullet strike.

a. The leopard coughed. I heard it
I heard the leopard^aught.

b. My dog caught a rat, I watched it
My watch my dog caught a rat.

c. The scorpion stung his foot, He felt it
He felt the scorpion sting his foot.

d. That boy broke the window. I saw him.
I saw that boy break the window.

Question 3.
In this extact there are the sentences:
‘The bushes were too thick and thorny for me to enter’.
Matches the following sentences on the left with correct sentence on the right, and use them quickly in conversation:

(a) This forest is too thick for us to get through. Yes, it would be impossible for us to find out way back.
(b) This river is too deep for us to walk through. Yes, it would be difficult for us to keep our guns dry.
(c) That hill side is too step for us to climb. Yes, it would be a pity for us to break out necks.
(d) That fish is to state for us to eat. Yes, it would be terrible for us to get food poisoning.

Question 4.
Use the following prepositions once only in the sentences below. The extract will you, of opposite, with, over, by, for.

(a) Our horse stands excactly …………… the fever hospital (opposite)
(b) They escaped from the prison and made …………… the nearest road (for).
(c) How many ways …………… cooking an egg do you know ! (of)
(d) I ran after him and caught him …………… the arm.(by)
(e) She has no control at all …………… her children, (over)
(f) How are we going to deal …………… this new situation, (with)

Question 5.
In this extract there are the words:
‘They had been calling for about five minutes.

Use the same tense of the verb (past perfect continuous) in the sentences below, i.e. for those verbs in brackets.

a. ‘How long the engine (run) ? It (run) for half an hour.
How long had the engine been running ! It had been running for half an hour.

b. “When you arrived, the other (wait) long ?’’ No, they (wait) about twenty minutes.
When you arrived, the others had been waiting for a long time ? No, they had been waiting for about twenty minutes.

c. ‘Why the boy (cry) ?’
‘Because the other boys (laugh) at him.’
Why had the boy been crying ! Because the other boys had been laughing at him.

d. “Before we gave them loding, where those men (sleep) ?”
“They (sleep) in the fields.”
Before we gave them lodging, where had those men been sleeping.

Question 6.
In the following sentences certain words or phrases are in italics. Use words or phrases from this extract in their place so as to give the same meaning (refer to paras 17-21 only).

(a) It is obvious that he hasn’t been doing any work.
= It is dear evident that the hasn’t been doing any work.

(b) Have you got any news about the latest situation ?
= Have you got any fresh account about the latest situation ?

(c) Please tell me the predse spot where the tiger appeared.
= Please tell me the exact spot where the tiger appeared.

(d) After a few minutes the noise stopped.
= After a few minutes the noise checked.

(e) I should like to obtain some more land.
= I should like to get some more land.

(f) We shall have to go back.
= We shall have to go return.

(g) Is there a chemist in this neighbourhood ?
= Is there a chemist in this locality ?

(h) These flowers give off a very strong smell.
= These flowers give off a very strong odour.

(i) The whole of his body was moving jerkily.
= The whole of his body was shivering.

(j) A large crocodile was stirring up the water nearby.
= A large crocodile was moving up the water nearby.

Question 7.
Use the following words once only in the sentences below: advisiable, taboo, intervening, direction, invariably, warily, promptly, pentrate, disappear, intend, resume, collapse, violent, dense.

(a) It would be …………… not to wear shoes; wearing shoes in a temple is ……………
(b) We …………… to …………… our meeting after work.
(c) These clouds will soon …………… thought they are still quite ……………
(d) Don’t give him any more luggage the carry or he II ……………
(e) No bullet car …………… those thicks walks.
(f) You must trend very …………… here, the ground is soft.
(g) I asked for the money and very …………… he sent a cheque.
(h) We returned to the theatre and in the …………… time they had changed the scene; they …………… change the scene after the interval.
(i) The building was destroyed in a …………… storm.
(j) Don’t go that way; the post office is in the other.
(a) advisable, taboo
(b) intend resume
(c) disappear dense
(d) collapse
(e) penetrae
(f) invariable
(g) promptly
(h) intervening warily
(i) violent
(j) direction.

Robin Word Meanings

appaling-very had = बहुत ख़राब bombardment-usually = बमबारी करना canine-canine means ‘referring to dogs’ = कुत्ते का या कुत्ते से सदृश्य bind-A female deer – हिरणी retrieve-Bring back, fetch = खींचना tyfts-small, thick growths of grass = छोटी एवं घनी घास । Warily-carefully = सावधानीपूर्वक ।

Robin Summary in English

Once, while packing, the author and Robin saw an enormous male leopard with a beautiful glossy coat. The author short a bullet at the leopard’s right shoulder from a short distance. The injured animal disappeared into the forest. The sound of its running through the bushes abrupty stopped. They could not follow the leopard because the authors sister was unarmed and could neither be taken follow the wounded animal not couojd she be left alone. So they returned home. The next day they came to the same spot and saw great splashes of blood left by the leopard on the edge of the undergrowth. They took some rest and then took to their feet.

Under a nearby tree, the author found a day spot on which dew had no fallen. Suddenly, they heard the calling, to heard to chital hand some sixty yards to their left. They had also heard of a langur all which showed presence of a leopard. They learnt that the animal was lying in the open was alive and in which direction it was lying. They were just five yards away from the open ground.

As the author quickly moved towards the open- ground, the leopard was quicker and disappeared into the bushes. The chital’s sounds spoilt their chances to tire a shot at the leopard, Robin had wonderful control over his nervous and always remained nature in the forest while doing cracking. Earlier, the author had pocked up the 0.275 rifle in the morning while leaving home. The author and Robin followed a certain line which was fifteen years away from and parallel to the fallen free Robin was leading the line.

At the opposite side of its trunk, Robin stopped. They saw a leopard’s tail. The author filled his coat pockets with stones and returned to the open ground. Ready with his rifle, the author started throng stones from a position which was fifteen yards away from the three where the leopard had been, first on the tree and into the bushes assuming that it was alive. No movement or noise of the leopard could be heard.

So, the author and Robin walked towards the tree. They started circling the tree, intending every time reducing the radius. The author measured the radius of the first circle about twenty-five years. As they had gone two-thirds of the way, Robin stopped.

As the author lopked down to see what had attracted Robin’s attention, he heard continuously deep throated angry grunts. The leopard violently came out from the undergrowth. In the meantime, teh author became ready with his rifle. The leopard’s spring at them and the author’s shot were simultaneous. The author fired a second bullet learning back to the left. Now Robin was nowhere to be seen.

Now both of them went in earch of and saw its head projecting from behind a trac trunk at he edge of a small celaring a hundred yards away and he again disappeared. But after a while, he came into the authors, and liked his face. These reactions clearly indicated how a dog and a human being act together during the emergency. At a little distance the leopard was laying dead, who put on a good battle, but lost at fast.

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