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Panorama English Book Class 10 Solutions Poem 6 Koel (The Black Cuckoo)
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B.1.1: Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statement:
(1) Koel is called the black cuckoo.
(2) Koel sings in the apple-leaves.
(3) The song of the cuckoo brings a thousand memories.
(4) The poet does not become restless to hear its voice.
(5) “Thy wings” means “your wings”.
(1) – T
(2) – F
(3) – T
(4) – F
(5) – T.
B.2. Answer the following questions very briefly:
Question 1.
Who wrote the poem, Koel?
Puran Singh wrote the poem, Koel.
Question 2.
What do you write for “thy” and “art” in prose?
I write you for thy and are for art in prose.
Question 3.
What makes thousand memories in heart?
The high-pitched strains of Koel (Cuckoo) makes thousand memories in the poet’s heart.
Question 4.
What happens with the shades of mangoes?
The shades of mangoes burn.
Question 5.
“O little Bird !” Why capital ‘B’ has been used here?
Capital ‘B’ has been used in “O Little Bird” because the poet has used it for a particular cuckoo (Koel).
B.1. Answer the following questions very briefly:
Question 1.
What charred the wings of Koel?
The fire of love charred the wings of Koel.
Question 2.
Why is Koel restless?
Koel is restless for her ‘Beloved’.
Question 3.
What fires the Koel?
The sight of mango blossoms fires the Koel.
Question 4.
What burns her heart?
The bright greenness of the garden burns her (Koel’s) heart.
Question 5.
What does the flaming soul of the Koel ask?
The flaming-soul of the Koel asks about her Beloved.
C. 1. Long Answer Questions:
Question 1.
In response to the speaker’s question.” What singed thy wings?”
The Koel replies, “The fire of love has charred my wings.” What does the Koel’s answer suggest? Can love burn like fire? Is this burning a positive thing on a negative one? Explain.
The Koel’s answer suggests the separation from his beloved is unbearable. His heart is always at his beloved. His mind was rapt in the feeling of love.
No, love can not burn like fire, but its effect on a lover is great. His feeling make him hot. Regarding burning it is a negative one. Because it is fire which burns everything good or bad.
Question 2.
Why does the poet call the Koel “a rain of spark” Explain?
“The Koel’s strains likes a rain of spark” means as raindrops cover a vast area So is the spark. In spark tinny glowing fit is thrown off from a burning substance, and fire the others. So do the Koel’s voice. So the poet has compared Koel’s voice to the rain of spark.
Question 3.
Why is the Koel restless? Is she able to win over his restlessness? If no, why?
The Koel is restless because he is far from his beloved, that is why his song is shedding a sad song which seems to be setting on fire.
Question 4.
Why is a Koel praised? How do you feel when you hear its voice?
A Koel is praised for his/her song. The bird is praised and welcomed as the darling bird of spring. It is a sweet singing bird which sing in spring. It is the darling of the spring. I have been hearing his song in the spring ever since my school-boy days. The Koel’s song reminds him of his memories. The Koel’s song echoes through out the valley and seems to pass hill to hill.
Question 5.
Do you think that the Koel symbolises true love?
No, the Koel does not symbolise true love. The koels do not build their own nest and so he koel and she koel do not live together. They are wandering birds. Their lives are separate They are seen only in Spring and his/. her voice is heard. They do not live togather like other birds.
C.2. Group Discussion
Discuss the following in a group or pairs:
Question 1.
Nature always soothes our aggrieved soul.
Nature exercises a positive influence on man. The great poet of nature william Wordsworth Says’ “Man bring the child of nature all the qualities and appearances of Nature find their counterpart in him.” In fact, this imaginative fusion of Nature and man was so complete with Wordsworth that he found a close affinity between the law of Nature and the highest moral laws. So by keeping close contact with Nature man can absorb politeness that soothes our aggrieve.
Question 2.
We always look forward to meeting whom we love.
The man who loves any lady, runs after him. His mind is rapt in the feeling of love. His eyes are fixed on meeting time. It is an experience of love that gives him strange emotions of love. He wants to meet his beloved. He thinks that his beloved grows lovelier every day. Daily she looks more and more fresh like a rose in June. that is why there is always emotion in his bosom, who looks forward to meet his or her love.
C. 3. Composition
Question 1.
Write a paragraph in about 100 words on each of the following:
(i) A caged bird finds it difficult to sing.
(i) A caged bird finds it difficult to Sing.
A caged bird does not find natural environment. It is not free. It does not get natural surroundings. For it, even spring is useless. It can’t see and observe the beauty of spring with budding flowers and new leaves. it forgets the beauty of running water’ and fresh air. So it becomes emotionless. It does not find its way of singing. The birds are the best free creatures on earth. They know to fly in the sky freely and singing, but when they are caged they do not find emotion to sing and enjoy.
(II) The Cuckoo’s Voice
The most remarkable thing about the cuckoo is its sweet voice. Its two fold notes has made it the favorite of poets, who have described it as an ‘ethereal minstrel can embodiment of melody and song.’ The poet have describe it as the ‘herald of spring the messenger of cupid; Its sweet voice makes us forget for a time the cares and anxieties of the world and carries us off to a dreamland of poetry and romance.
Question 2.
Write a letter to your friend describing how a koel though black in appearance stands for the sweetness of the soul.
May 5, 2012
My dear Anita,
I was exceedingly glad to learn about your zeal and passion for studies. It is highly admirable.
In this letter. I shall give you a brief account about a Koel. The Koel though black in appearance stands for the sweetness of the soul. It is black and ugly to look at. It is so called from its two fold note coo-coo. We Judge things or persons by their outward look. Appearance cheat us. Persons or things are not always what they look like. We must look much below the surface and know its real worth. The Koel is the symbol of the same thing. Its heart is clear so it sings sweetly.
With all good wishes.
Yours affectionately
D. 3. Write the synonyms of the following words:
Keep | little | speak |
conceal | freedom | sight |
Words | Synonyms |
Keep | hold |
Conceal | secret |
Little | liny |
Freedom | liberty |
Speak | utter |
Sight | glance |
F. Translation
Translate unit-I of Koel (text before the questions inbox) in Hindi or any other language that you know.
कोयल! क्या बिजली पड़ी? तुम्हारे पंख कैसे जलकर काले हो गए?
आम की पत्तियों में छिप कर तुम गीत गाते हो।
तुम्हारे ऊंचे स्वर के गीत हमारी सोई हुई आत्मा को जगाते हैं।
हजारों स्मृतियों के साथ।
तुम उतना अधीर क्यों हो कि तुम्हारे गीत अग्नि प्रज्वलित करते हैं ?
देखो! गुलाब भी अंगार बन गए हैं, जो वायु और जल ग्रहण करते हैं।
आम के वृक्षों की छाया भी जलती है।
तुमने कैसी अग्नि की वर्षा की, ओ छोटी चिड़िया।
कोयल! क्या बिजली गिरी? तुम्हारे पंख कैसे जलकर काले हो गए।
Comprehensive Based Questions with Answers
1. Koel ! What lightning fell ? What singed thy wings?
What keeps thee fresh, yet charred?
Concealed in the mango-leaves, thou singest!
Thy high-pitched strains wake in my soul a
thousand memories!
Questions :
(i) Who is the speaker? How do you recognise him?
(ii) Name the poem.
(iii) Why does the poet call “the roses are on fire”?
(iv) Find words from the passage which mean :
(a) set on fire
(b) hid
(i) The speaker of the poem is the poet, Puran Singh, himself. He goes on asking and telling about the Koel. The line, ‘Thy high pitched strains wake in my soul a thousand memories.” Here ‘in my soul’ refers to the poet.
(ii) The name of the poem is’Koel’ (The Black Cuckoo).
(iii) The poet’s mind is full of love, in the absence of his beloved. Everything of nature has become fire for him. It seems they are to …. hurt the poet. So the beautiful flowers seem him burning on fire.
(iv) (a) Kindling
(B) Concealed.
हिन्दी रूपान्तर :
- कोयल! कैसी बिजली गिरी? तुम्हारे पंख क्या गाते हैं?
- शरीर जल जाने पर भी तुम तरोताजा किस प्रकार हो?
- आम की पत्तियों में छिपकर तुम गाती हो!
- तुम्हारे द्वारा उच्च स्वर में रट लगाने से मेरी आत्मा में जागृति हुई है।
- हजारों स्मृतियाँ ।
2. Why so restless that they spark-shedding notes go forth kindling fire?
Lo! The roses are on fire which winds and waters catch!
The shades of mangoes burn!
What a rain of sparks art thou, O Little Bird!
Koel! What lightning fell? What singed thy wings?
(i) Who is restless?
(ii) Whose beloved has been described here?
(iii) Is a Koel the symbol of love?
(iv) Find word from the passage which means : ‘Sing’.
Answers :
(i) The Koel is restless.
(ii) the Koel’s beloved has been described here.
(iii) No, Koel is not the symbol of true love.
हिन्दी रूपान्तर :
- इतनी बेचैन क्यों, जिस कारण तुम्हारी चिनगारी से युक्त रट
- आग प्रज्वलित करती है ? ..
- देखो कि किस प्रकार गुलाब जल रहे हैं जिसे तेज पवन तथा
- जल पकड़ते हैं।
- आम की छाया जलती है
- ऐ छोटी चिड़िया ! तुम कैसी चिनगारी की वर्षा करती हो। ….
- ऐ कोयल ! यह कैसी बिजली गिरी? तुम्हारे पेखों ने क्या गाया?
Third Stanza:
The Fire of Love has charred my wings and made me a new
I am restless ! Where is my Beloved?
The sight of mango-blossoms fires me all the more!
The greener the garden, the brighter burns my heart!
My flaming soul asks, “Where! where is my Beloved ?”
“Speak ! speak ! why are thy leaves so still ?”
हिन्दी रूपान्तर:
- प्रेमाग्नि ने मेरे पखों को जलाकर काला कर दिया है और
- मुझे नया बना दिया है (अर्थात् मेरा नया रूप बना दिया है।).
- मैं अशान्त हूँ। कहाँ है मेरी प्रेमिका?
- आम (के वृक्ष) पर विकसित मंजर मुझे अत्यधिक दग्ध करता (जलाता) है।
- भेरी अग्नि की लपटों के समान प्रज्वलित अत्मा पूछती है, “कहाँ ? कहाँ है ?
- मेरी प्रेमिका?”
- “बोलो ! बोलो ! क्यों हैं ये पत्तियाँ इस प्रकार स्थिर?”
अपनी प्रेमिका के मिलन के लिए आकुर कोयल अपने कष्टों का वर्णन करते हुए कहती है कि विरहाग्नि ने उसके पंखों को जलाकर काला कर दिया है तथा यह नया रूप प्रदान किया है। आम्र-वृक्ष के मंजर उसे शीतलता प्रदापन न कर उसे दग्ध’ (जला) रहे हैं । हरा-भरा उद्यान भी उसके हृदय को शान्ति प्रदान नहीं कर रहे । वृक्ष की पत्तियों से पूछती है कि उसकी प्रेमिका कहाँ है । उनसे कोई उत्तर न पाकर तथा उन पत्तियों को स्थिर देखकर वह विस्मित है।
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