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Rainbow English Book Class 11 Solutions Chapter 10 Dolly at the Dentist
Check out the topics covered in Chapter 10 before you start your preparation. Improve your grammar skills with the help of Bihar Board Class 11 English Book Solutions Chapter 10 Dolly at the Dentist Questions and Answers pdf links. The solutions for Bihar State Board Class 11 English Textbook are prepared by the English experts. So, if you follow Bihar Board Class 11 English Textbook Solutions you can cover all the topics in Chapter 10 Dolly at the Dentist. This helps to improve your communication skills.
Bihar Board Class 11 English Dolly at the Dentist Textual Questions and Answers
A . Work in small groups and discuss the following questions :
Question 1.
Have you ever suffered from toothach ? If yes, what did you do to overcome aching ?
Students do it yourself.
Question 2.
Who curse you form toothache ?
Students do it yourself.
Question 3.
Have you ever been to a dentist’s clinic or have you ever accompanied anvone to a dentist’s clinic ?
Students do it yourself.
Question 4.
How did you feel at the clinic ?
Students do it yourself.
B. Answer the following questions very briefly :
Question 1.
‘That was my first tooth.’ What does this mean ?
The denntist means to say that it was the first tooth he took out in his private practice.
Question 2.
Why did the lady refuse to take gas ?
The lady refused to take gas because it would have cost her five shillings extra. •
Question 3.
‘It’s your business to hurt people.’ Why does the lady say so ?
The lady says so because a dentist takes out teeth and it hurts people.
Question 4.
Is the business of a dentist to hurt people ? Give your opinion.
No, a dentist’s business is not to hurt people. It is to give relief from pain.
Question 5.
‘Is there anything else you would like to know ? ’ What made the dentist say so ?
The doctor says so because he does not like her asking these questions. He wants her to leave.
Question 6.
Why did the lady ask the dentist to wear the five shilling piece on his watch chain ?
She said So because it was the first five-shilling piece he had earned.
Question 7.
How long has the dentist been working in that clinic ?
The dentist has been working in that clinic for six weeks.
Question 8.
Why is the dentist called a five -shilling dentist ?
The dentist is called a five-shilling dentist because he charge five shillings for evervtihng.
Question 9.
When the lady asks the dentist if he has any family, he replies, ‘I am not married, What does family mean here ?
Here family means wife and children.
Question 10.
What, in your opininon, does family stand for ? Does it mean only wife and children ?
A family does not mean only wife and children. A family includes parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, etc.
B. 2. Answer the following questions briefly :
Question 1.
What does the lady report to Philip about the dentist ?
The lady tells Philip all the information she has had about the dentist she tells him that the dentist’s name is Valentine. He has been there for six. weeks. He is a bachelor. He does not own the house, nor the furniture. His professional plant is hired. She also adds that she and the dentist are great friends.
Question 2.
Why do Philip and Dolly invite Valentine to lunch ?
They invite Valentine to lunch because they want to tell their mother that a respectable. Englishman has agreed to lunch with them. Their mother thinks that no Englishman will ever put up with them.
Question 3.
Is the dentist willing to dine with the lady and her brother ? Why ?
No, the dentist is not willing to dine with them because they are perfect strangers for him.
Question 4.
What reasons do they give for their coming to England ?
They say. that they came to England to get away from her mother’s work (books written by her). They are called the twentieth Century Treatises.
Question 5.
What are books called Twentieth Century Treatises ?
The books called Twentieth century Treatises are:
- Twentieth Century Cooking
- Twentieth Century Creeds
- Twentieth Century Clothing
- Twentieth Century Conduct
- Twentieth Century Children
Question 6.
Why do they not want the dentist to read the books before they have bone ayay ?
The books will improve the dentist’s mind but Philip and Dolly do not like people with Improved mind. So they want the dentist to read the books after they had gone.
C. 1. Long Answer Questions :
Question 1.
Write the gist of the conversation between Dolly and the Dentist.
Dolly is a young lady. She visited a dentist to have her tooth taken out. The dentist took out her tooth and told her that it was his first tooth. Dolly appeared to be shocked because she felt that the dentist had started practising on her. But the dentist clarified that she was his first patient in his private practice.
Then the dentist asked her why she did not let him give her gas. She replied that she did not have gas because it would have cost her five shillings extra. The dentist was sorry that he had hurt her only because of five shillings. But she said that it was his job to hurt people.
Dolly looked about and began to ask him questions about his private life. The dentist told her that he had set up his clinic six weeks ago. The premises was on rent and the furniture belonged to the landlord. He had his professional equipment on hirepurchase system. He told her that he was a bachelor and his family did not live with him there.
She asked him why they called him a five-shilling dentist. He replied that they called him so because he charged five shillings for each thing.
Then Dolly gave the dentist a new five-shilling piece. She said it was his first fee. So he should drill a hole into it and wear it on his watch-chain.
Question 2.
What are the qualities you look for in a dentist ? Is Mr Valentine the dentist of your choice ? Explain.
A dentist .should be well qualified, experienced and skilful. He should try to save the natural tooth as far as he can because there is no substitute for a natural tooth. If a tooth must be extracted, he should be able to do it quickly and causing as little pain to the patient as it is possible.
Mr Valentine is a dentist of my choice. He is considerate and skilful. He wanted to give Dolly gas so that she not feel pain. But she refused. When he learnt that she has refused because she did not want to spend another five shillings, he was sorry for her. He felt he had caused her pain which could be avoided. Dolly admires Valentine’s skill. Even though he extracted her tooth without gas, he did not cause much pain. He got it in one go. He must be a good dentist.
Question 3.
Find out the remarks or observations which you find particularly very amusing. Why do you find them amusing ?
Dolly is a witty person. She is rather insolent. She makes humorous remarks. She says to the dentist that his business is to hurt people though she is miserly and did not have gas to save five shillings. She gives the dentist a new five-shilling piece and tells him to wear it as a medal because it is a great achievement to earn his first fee after having started his practice six weeks ago.
Dolly says that she is not the daughter of Mr Densmore Clandon. But Philip says that they could not be sure of it. It is an amusing situation that grown up chlidren do not know who their father is. Then they tell the dentist to read the books written by their mother because they will improve his mind.
But strangely they tell him to read the books when they are gone because they prefer people with unimproved minds.
Question 4.
Who do you find more amusing—Dolly or her brother ? Why ? Give reasons in favour of your choice.
In find Dolly more amusing than her brother, Philip. Dolly’s dialogue with the dentist is amusing. Her remarks about the dentist’s work, and her questions about his personal life are queer. Then, at the height of it all, she gives him a crown and tells him to wear it like a medal because he earned his first fee after starting his practice six weeks ago.
Philip does not add spice to humour. Whatever he contributes, he does it with his sister. Hs only amusing remark is when he tells Dolly that she possibly does not know who their father is. Indeed Dolly is more amusing than Philip.
Question 5.
Give a brief character sketch of Dorothy Clandon using adjective from the list given below:
Dorothy Clandon or Dolly is a young lady of eighteen. She is small and pretty. She is not an English woman. She is a native of Madeira. Naturally, she has a biscuit complexion. It is her first visit to England but her accent is perfectly British.Shc is a talktive woman, and appears to be impertinent and insolent. She asks the dentist questions about his business, his marital status, and his personal life, she is a miserly person.The dentist offers to give her gas so that she has no pain when he pulls out her tooth. But she is rather willing to bear pain than parting with another five shillings. She is very observant about the place and dentist’s equipment
C. 2. Group Discussion :
Discuss the following in groups or pairs:
Question a.
Nucleus family consists only of husband, wife and children. There is hardly andy room for uncle, aunt, grandpa or grandma in it. Do you think it is a better option than the joint family ? Give reasons in favour of your argument.
I think a nucleus family is a better option. There are many reasons for it. In big cities, it is difficult to get accommodation for a large family. Besides, it is not possible to live in the same town or village any more. In olden days the whole joint family was engaged in a family occupation. This is no longer the case now. Of course, the nucleus family has to face some difficulties. But these difficulties are solved by creche and play-schools !
Joint family has more problems. There are quarrels between cousins, wives, brothers and mothers-in-law and daughters-in law. A nucleus family is a happy family. Young people like to lead an independent life without interference form elders.
Question b.
Being unnecessarily inquisitive about someone’s personal life is against social decorum. Do you agree ?
There is no doubt that being unnecessarily inquisitive about someone’s personal life is against social decorum. Evervone has a right to lend an independent life. One has nothing to do with it unless it causes some trouble to others. One has a right to listen to music of one’s choice, eat what one likes, wear clothes as one pleases, keep long whiskers, wear a turban, hat or cap or nothing. It is his or her sweet will. But if one makes too moch noise, does something against social morality, or creates nuisance, then law can interfere.
C. 3. Composition :
Write a paragraph in about 100 words on the following :
Question a.
The duty of a doctor
The duty of a doctor is to save a life, even if it is the life of a criminal. A doctor has his duty to his patient. Even if he has to forgo his own comfort, he is supposed to do his best to help his patient. Of course, a doctor is a human being and he has a right to a comfortable life. He needs money to satisfy the needs of his life. But a doctor should not be greedy. A doctor’s profession is very honourable, and a doctor should uphold the dignity of his profession at all costs.
Question b.
The relation between a doctor and a patient
There is a relation of trust between a doctor and a patient. A patient is free to tell his/ her doctor about all his/her problems. A doctor is supposed to keep this information to himself, it is a bond of trust. It is something confidential. A doctor will not divulge this information to anybody. A doctor loves his patient and does all he can th help his patient. On the other hand, a patient has full faith in the skill and bonafide intentions of his/her doctor.
D. Word-study:
D. 1. Dictionary Use :
Ex -1. Correct the spelling of the following words:
Ex-2. Look up a dictionary and write two meanings of each of the following words-the one in which it is used in the lesson and the other which is more common:
accent ,premises ,drill ,celebrated ,mounted
Accent: (i) a way of pronouncing a language
(ii) a particular emphasis
premises : (i) the building and land occupied
(ii) a statement or idea that forms the basis for a theory
drill: (i) a tool or machine for boring holes
(ii) training in mlitary exercises
celebrated : (i) honour or praise publicly
(ii) perform (a cermony)
mounted : (i) to put in order
(ii) climbed up or on to
D. 2. Word-formation :
Look at the following examples: We’re from madieira, but perfectly respectable, so far.
May I ask whom I have the pleasure of entertainnig ?
Valentine, bewildered by the leaps and bounds with which their acquintanceship is proceeding, gasps.
You see that in the first example adjective respectable is denied form the verb respect. In the second example, present participle entertainin is derived from the verb entertain. In the last example, noun acquanitanceship is derived from the verb acqaint. In fact, a number of words can be derived from a verb as illustrated below.
Expert (v): expected (adj.) expectedly (adv) expectation (n) expectant (adj.) expectantly (adv.)
Ex. Write as many words derived from the following verbs as possible as illustrated above:
acquaint (v): acquaintance (n), acquainted (adj.)
amuse (v): amusement (n), amused (adj.) amusingly (adv.), amusing (adj) celebrate (v): celebration (n), celebratory (adj.), celebated (adj.) celebrity (n).
continue (v): continual (adj.) continually (adv.) continuation (n), continued (adj.), continuing (adj.)
entertain (v) : entertainer (n), enteraining (adj.), entertainingly (adv), entertainment (n)
marry (v): marriage (n), marriageable (adj), married (adj.), marrying (adj.)
operate (v) : operating (adj.), operated (adj.), operatic (adj.), operation (n), operational (adj.), operationally (adv.), operator (n), operable (adj.) operatiction (adj).
resist (v): resistance (n), resistant (adj.), resister (n), resistible (adj.), resistive (adj.), resistivity (n)
produce (v): producing (adj.), produced (adj.), producer (n), product (n), production (n), productive (adj.), productively (adv.), productivity (n)
relate (v): relating (adj.), related (adj.), relatively (adv.)
practise (v): practising (adj.), practised (adj.), practitioner (n)
D. 3. Word-meaning :
Ex -1. Find from the lesson words the meanings of which have been- given on the left hand side. The last part of each word is given on the right hand side:
readiness to act ……………. tude
way of pronouncing ……………. cent
piece of furniture with shelves or drawers ……………. net
rest or sleep n the early ofternoon ……………. ta
the state of having lost ali hope ……………. pair
famous ……………. ted
laugh quietly with closed mouth ……………. kies
building together with its grounds ……………. mises
without trying to show respect ……………. antly
books that deal in detail with a single subject ……………. tises
readiness to act – promptitude
way of pronouncing – accent
piece of furniture with shelves or drawers – cabinet
rest or sleep in the early afternoon – siesta
the state of having lost all hope – despair
famus – reputed
laugh quietly with closed mouth – chuckles
bulding together with its grounds – flippantly
without trying to show respect – premises
books that deal in detail with a single subject treatises
Ex-2. Fill in the Blanks with suitable Adjectives given below:
awful critical celebrated inquisitive
flippant mature momentary
- She is ……………. enough to take her decision herself.
- Dr. Bhabha was a ……………. scientist
- It is difficult to forget that ……………. sight even today.
- Chaitali’s ……………. expression makes her a very charming character.
- After a ……………. hesitation, Philip entered the room.
- Dr. Dwivedi has written a ……………. study of modem Hindi litera ture.
- Any responsible man cannot make such a ……………. remark.
- mature
- celebrated
- awful
- inqusitive
- momentary
- critical
- flippant
D. 4. Phrases :
Ex-1. Read the lesson carefully and And out the sentences in which the following phrases have been used. used. Use them in sentences of your own:
No, it’s all over.
Yes. I was going to ask whether your were by any chance a daughter of
Mr. Densmore Clandon of …………….. Hall.
PHILIP (Cutting her short); sh ! (valentine …………….. indiscretions).
The Young Lady (as if in capable of …………….. thing): Oh no.
…………….. he got my tooth out beautifully at the first go and ……………..
…………….. I had hurt you for the sake of five shillings.
…………….. a very pretty woman in miniature, hardly eighteen
A handsome man in miniature, obviously the ……………..
PHILIP; Been asking a lot o/questions ?
Thank you. (In spite of the biscuit-complexion she has not the slightest foreign accent).
…………….. bewildered by the leaps and bounds with which their acquain-tanceship is proceeding ……………..
…………….. (Looking about in search o/further conclusions) ……………..
Sentences with the use of above given Phrases:
He is known all over the world.
He is not my brother by any chance.
He strated his lecture cutting me short.
He behaves as if a mad.
He crossed the river at one go.
He sacrificed his life for the sake of the nation.
A beautiful woman in miniature appeared before me.
She asked me a lot of questions.
Inspite 0f illness, he appeared at the examination.
His wealth is going up by leaps and bounds.
The thirsty corw was moving in search 0/water.
I am not in the least tired.
E. Grammer :
Ex-Questions: Yes/No and information types:
Study the following questions from the lesson:
(a) Are they expensive ?
(b) Do you charge five shillings for everything ?
(c) Am I in time ?
You see that all the questions above begin with an auxiliary verb’ Are’, ‘Do’ or ‘Am’.
These questions are called Yes/No questions as they can be answered in ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ only.
You also see that the subject in example (b) is placed between the aux-iliary and the main verb. The structure of the Yes/No questions is further examplified in the following table :
Form ten Yes / No questions using each of the follwing auxiliaries twice: may, have, could, will, do.
May I get your help ?
May I talk to your father ?
Have you taken your meal ?
Have you finished your task ?
Could I have a word with you ?
Could I speak to the Headmaster ?
Will you buy a car today ?
Will you do it at any cost ?
Do you know him ?
Do you like it ?
Ex-2. Study the following questions from the lesson:
(a) Why didn’t you let me give you gas ?
(b) How do you know your are not ?
(c) What difference does it make to
You see that all the questions in the examples begin with a wh-word, eg., ‘Why’ ‘and ‘What’.
These questions are called information questions as they ask for information of different kinds.
You can’t answer these questions by saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’, the pattern of these questions as given in the following table is : Wh-word + Yes/No questions.
Wh-word Auxiliary subject Main verb object, Complement, etc.
Now form eight more information questions using each of these Wh- words twic: Where, When, Why, How
Where do you live ?
Where are you coming from ?
When did he go ?
When will he come ?
Why did you not inform me ?
Why did they oppose you ?
How can I inform you ?
How can I help you ?
Ex-3. Note how the Wh-words in the following questions are the subjects of the sentences and how they are followed directly by the main verb. Noauxiliary verb is used in these questions:
Now form six more Information questions using each of these wh- words twice: Who, What, Which
Who is your lover ?
Who is the worker ?
What made you laugh ?
What made she cry ?
Which is the best policy ?
Which is the last point ?
F. Activity :
Taking help from reference books and your teacher find out:
(a) What is wit ?
(b) What is humour ?
Find out the instances of wit and humour in the lesson.
(a) Wit: According to dictionary, the word stands for the capacity for inventive thought and quick understanding.
In the lesson we find such things with Dolly as she makes inquiries and comment expertly. For instance.
“The Dentist – It makes me feel as if I had hurt you for the sake of five shillings.”
“The young Lady – Well, so you have Why shouldn’t you ? It’s your business to hurt people.”
(b) Humour: The word stands for the quality in something that makes it funny or amusing.
In the less on we find humour from the beginning to the end. For example.
“The Dentist – That was my first tooth.
The young lady – (aghast): Your first! Do you mean to say you began practising on me ?
The dentist – Every dentist has to begin with somebody.
The younglady – Yes: Somebody in hospital, not people who pay.”
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