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Rainbow English Book Class 11 Solutions Chapter 7 The Leader of Men
Check out the topics covered in Chapter 7 before you start your preparation. Improve your grammar skills with the help of Bihar Board Class 11 English Book Solutions Chapter 7 The Leader of Men Questions and Answers pdf links. The solutions for Bihar State Board Class 11 English Textbook are prepared by the English experts. So, if you follow Bihar Board Class 11 English Textbook Solutions you can cover all the topics in Chapter 7 The Leader of Men. This helps to improve your communication skills.
Bihar Board Class 11 English The Leader of Men Textual Questions and Answers
A. Work in small groups and discuss the following questions :
Question 1.
What is an apartment building ?
An apartment building is a residential complex. There are several flats in which several families can live separately on each floor. Generally, an apartment building has several floors.
Question 2.
What amenities should be there in an apartment building ?
Since an apartment building has several floors, lilts are essential. Besides lifts there should be regular staris which people may use in an emergency. An apartment blinding need- an information office. Generally, guards are there who keep a watch on visitors, and help the genuine visitors. Intercom is also essential for communication with all rooms. There should be a common hall where die residents may have meetings and celebrate functions.
Question 3.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in an apartment building ?
Advantages : Since there are guards, no unwanted person can enter the building. It is ideal for working couples.
- Beggars and salesmen do not pester the residents.
- Apartment buildings are free from noise and disturbance.
Disadvantages :
- You feel lonely and aloof.
- No vendors visit apartment buildings. So you have to go to the market to buy even things and daily necessaries of life like fuits and vegetables.
- There is no playing space for children. Elderly people cannot go out often.
- Generally, there is hardly any sun. There is no place to hang your wash.
Question 4.
Are you aware of the lives of the guards in an apartment complex ?
Guards come to duty and then go away. I don’t know how they live.
B. 1. Answer the following questions briefly :
Question 1.
How many guards were working in the apartment building ?
Four guards were working in the apartment building.
Question 2.
Where did they stay ?
They lived in small servant quarters near the parking lot.
Question 3.
Did they live with their families ? Why ?
No. They did not live with their families. They were not allowed to keep their families there.
Question 4.
What makes their poverty stand out in glaring contrast ?
They live among shining cars. Their poverty is clearly seen there by contrast.
Question 5.
Who is ‘he’ in the first paragraph ? Was he like other guards ?
‘Roop Singh’ is he in the first paragraph. He was not like other guards.
Question 6.
Who was Kedia ? Where did he live?
Kedia was a rich businessman. He lived in flat F-9.
Question 7.
Describe Kedia’s appearance. How did Kedia’s friend look ?
Kedia was short and stocky and going bald. His face had started to bloat. His friend looked just like him.
Question 8.
Why was Kedia shouting at Roop Singh ?
Kedia was shouting at Roop Singh because Roop Singh had not allowed his friend to go up to see him.
Question 9.
Did Roop Singh do any wrong ?
No, he did no wrong. He did his duty.
Question 10.
When Roop Singh replied in English what was Kedia’s reaction ? Why did he react so ?
Kedia was shocked. He was shocked because he did not expect that Roop Singh could speak English.
Question 11.
Who did the writer support to. Why ?
The writter supported Roop Singh. He believed that Roop Singh was not at fault. He had done his duty.
Question 12.
What was Kedia so sure about ?
Kedia was sure that the writer would support him against the ‘class enemy’.
B. 2. Answer the following questions briefly :
Question 1.
From whom did the writer learn more about Roop Singh ?
The writer learned more about Roop Singh from his servant, Munna.
Question 2.
How did Roop Singh discharge his duties ?
Roop Singh discharged his duties quietly efficiently.
Question 3.
What did he do after his duties hour ?
After his duties were over, he read books in the guard room.
Question 4.
How would you take it when a guard speaks English ?
I wouldn’t be surprised because many young men who have been to school are working s guards and drivers, etc.
Question 5.
What does the author mean by ‘stupid arrogance’ ?
The writer means that it was unwise of Kedia to unnecessarily feel hurt and be insolent to a poor guard.
Question 6.
Where had Roop Singh studied ? Why did Ritwik not tell him that he had studied in the same college ?
Roop Singh had studied in College of commerce, Patna, Ritwik did not teil him that he too had studied in the same college because he thought Roop Singh might feel embarrassed.
Question 7.
At what age did Roop get married ? Was it a proper age to marry ? Why or why not ?
Roop Singh get married at the age of 15. It was not a proper age to get married. He was not fully grown up and he was incapable of taking up the responsibilities of married life.
Question 8.
Why did Roop leave the job of a teacher ?
He left the job of a teacher because he had not been paid for six months.
Question 9.
What did Ritwik think about iv: op’s perception as a reader ?
Ritwik believed that Roop’s perception was acute.
B. 3.1. Answer the following questions briefly :
Question 1.
Why did Roop send a letter to Ritwik’s father ? What kind of letter was this ?
Roop sent a letter to Ritwik’s father because he was in dire need of money. It was a short, formal, very official letter.
Question 2.
What did Kedia laugh at ? Why ?
Kedia laughed at Ritwik’s innocence. He thought Roop and other guards spent money on drinking alcohol.
Question 3.
Why did Ritwik not join the 31st December party ?
Ritwik did not join the 31st December party because he was not a social type. Instead, he watched a movie on cable TV.
Question 4.
What did Kedia say to Roop when he was serving himself ? How did Roop react to this ?
When Roop was serving himself, Kedia said to him, ‘ ‘I hope you are not hungry now. You probably haven’t eaten such fabulous food eVer in your life, so eat carefully, don’t over do it’ ’
Roop put down the plate and walked away without eating anything.
Question 5.
What made Roop lose his balance ?
He lost his balance bacause he was hurt and melancholy and there was no one to comfort him.
Question 6.
What did Roop think about before he lost his balance ?
Before Roop lost his balance he probably thought about his family, his younger brother, his loyal wife and his land which had been taken away from them.
Question 7.
What did he do when lost his balance ?
With his bare hands he ripped the lobby apart.
C. 1. Long Answer Questions :
Question 1.
Describe the culture and attitude reflected in the party on 31st of . December. Give your own comments on this.
Wealthy people just need an excuse to celebrate. They organise . birthdays, wedding days, silver and golden jubilees etc. They invite rich friends. There drinks and food are served in plenty. All the people do no turn up. Anyway, much of the food goes waste.
Similar thing happened in the apartments building on 31st December. A lot of food was ordered. Men drank to their fill and cculd hardly eat. Some of the families did not turn up. They must have celebrated the new year in some ‘ hotel where there are drinks and dances. Much of the food was left unconsumed.
They had no thought to share the food with the poor. But some one thought of the guards, and they were invited. These parties are a huge waste. On the one hand, people starve, on the other hand food is wasted.
Question 2.
Roop has married at the age of 15. Do you think it would have been better if he had not married so early ?
Decidedly it would have been better if Roop had not married so early. At fifteen he was a boy, not a men. Besides, he was not prepared to shoulder the reponsibilities of married life. He was still a student. He should have completed his education.
He should have leamt some art. He could have worked on his farm or found a better job. If he bad not married so early he wouldn’t have to support a wife and a son. Early marriage is full of risks and unnecessary burden. Marriage is a necessity but there is a right time for it. One should be mature, physically as well mentally. He should also be able to support a family.
Question 3.
Roop had to sell his land for his sister’s wedding. Is dowry a good practice ?
Dowry is an age-old custom. It is practised almost in all parts of the world. In India it has a social sanction. All parents are expected to give dowry to their daughters at their weddings.
The spirit behind the custom is to help the newly-weds to settle in life. A girl generally gets a lot of clothers jewellery, beds,utensils and other necessaries of life. But dowry should not be a compulsion. Parents should not be under pressure to sell their land or other means of livelihood to meet the dowry demands of their daughter’sin-laws. It should be a voluntary affair. Otherwise it becomes a bad custom.
Question 4.
What does the story tell you about the apartment culture ?
In an apartment building a number of families live. There are guards at the gate. No visitor is allowed to go in before the person he/she wants to meet permits him/her to come in.
The families have an association. The members contribute to the common expensess and maintenance of the building. They pay for the guards, lifts, telephones, etc. They hold some functions and festivals together. But they do not seem to be well united.
Question 5.
Sketch the character of Mr Kedia.
Kedia was an enterprising man. He is rich and likes to display his riches. He has a gold watch and a cellular phone. He always likes to buy the latest model of a car. Mr Kedia is stocky and going bald. He is given to drinking. His face has began to bloat. Kedia has a sense of pride and self¬importance. He behaves arrogantly. He is unreasonable. Being rich he thinks he is always right. He shouts at Roop because Roop did not allow his friend to go in without proper procedure. But Kedia feels that the petty guards has insulted him. When RoOp tells him in English that it was not his fault. He was doing his duty. Kedia feels all the more humiliated for no fault of Roop. It is his inferiority complex. He can’t speak English well. He feels small but he tries to assert himself because he guard is his servant.
It was mean of Kedia to pick up a quarrel with a guard and try to harm him in every way. On 31st December his meanness reaches its lowest point. His remarks to Roop are very insulting. He is responsible for the death of a poor man. Though he appears to be a religious man, he had no love, sympathy, and consideration for his poor fellow men.
Question 6.
Write you experiences with a person who resembles Kedia in behaviour or character.
My neighbour Mr Kishore is a wealthy man. He is an industrialist. I He has a love for brand new cars. He buys the latest models. He changes clothes three to four times every day. He is member of several clubs. He is a charitable person. Institutions invite him as the chief guest to their functions. He always donates some money to each of them. He likes to hear his praises. He is almost uneducated, but he is the president of a college. He advises the Principal and the teachers how to improve their teaching. Generally, he reads out his speeches written by his secretary.
But his private face is hideous. He drinks a lot and then he beats his wife, he shouts and abuses his domestic servants. It is said that once a maid servant broke a china cup. He slapped her. He deducted the price of the cup from her salary which was equal to her 15 days, pay. He is very proud of his achievements. He often says that he is a self-made man. He advises others to work hard if they want to rise in life. But it is no secret that he got his uncle’s wealth. He had forged a will to get it.
Question 7.
When hungry and humiliated Roop Singh left the party quietly, nobody, not even guards, came to stop him. They rather ignored him though t Roop Singh was their leader. What in your opinion made them indifferend ?
Roop Singh was a sensitive young man. He was poor and that is why he worked as a guard for only six hundred rupees a month. He was educated and he wanted his fellow guards to know something about the world. But they were hardly interested in what he told them.
That night when the guards were invited to dinner, Kedia’s comments were too intolerable for a sensitive person like Roop. He decided to leave. But the other guards were more interested in sumptuous food than in Roop Singh. They had no sympathy for him. Besides, they were afriad that if they sided with Roop they would displease Kedia. So they though it best to eat and drink, and let Roop go away as he pleased.
Question 8.
Is the title of the story justified ? Who is the leader of men in the story ?
I don’t think the title is justified. There is nothing in they story that has relevance to the title.
According to the writer Roop Singh is the leader of men. But he has no followers. He is a good man. He is educated and he tries to educate his fellow guards. He reads to them. They elect him their leader unofficially. It means that they are impressed by him but they never follow him.
When Kedia humiliates Roop Singh, and he leaves without eating, the other guards ignore him. If they considered him their leader they too should have left dinner without eathing. But they enjoy themselves. Roop is a Rajput and his ancestords had fought wars. Some of them might have been princes and generals. But this does not make Roop Singh a leader.
The poor fellow suffers without any comfort from any quarter. Only the writer is kind to him and has some consideration for him.
Question 9.
What formed the base of the bond between Ritwik and Roop Singh ? How did this bond grow stronger ?
Ritwik was impresed by Roop Singh from the very beginning. Roop was handsome and tall. He was unlike other guards. He wore clean and ironed clothes. When i’edia was shouting at Roop Singh, Ritwik realised that Roop was not at fault. His liking for Roop increased.
Later Ritwik learnt more about Roop. He had been to college and was interested in Hindi literature. Ritwik realised that Roop’s perception was acute. He had a critical sense. Ritwik and Roop would sit together when there was no one else in the lobby. Roop Singh would tell Ritwik about the books he had read. Ritwik lent him a few books he had. Their intimacy went on increasing. Roop used to salute him. But later he stopped saluting him. This means there was no longer any formality between them. They were close friends.
Question 10.
Narrate the story in your own words.
Ans. Roop Singh was a tall and handsome youngman. He had been married when he was 15 years old. He had lost much of his land. His father was dead. He was poor. He took up a job as a guard in an apartment building. There were three other guards but Roop Singh was different. He wore clean and ironed clothes. He was efficient and smart.
Mr Kedia was a rich man. He was arrogant. He lived in one of the flats in the building. One day a friend of his came to see him. Roop Singh stopped him and told him that he could go after he had asked for Mr Kedia’s permission. The friend was displeased. Mr Kedia was angry and shouted at Roop Singh.
Roop Singh was educated. He explained in English. He said that he was not at fault. He had done his duty. Mr Kedia could not speak English well. He was irritated. He felt humiliated because a petty guard has spoken in English to him.
Ritwik, the narrator, happended to come there. He also told Mr Kedia that Roop Singh had observed the rules made by them. Kedia left but his fury had not subsided. He wanted to get Roop Singh dismissed but the other members did not agree with him.
Ritwik and Roop Singh came closer. They discussed the books they had read.
Roop Singh would read new spaper to other guards. They considered him their leader but were not interest in what he told them.
On 31st December the residents of the apartment building decided to celebrate the new year eve. They ordered lot of food and drinks. But several families did not turn up. There were heaps of food. Someone suggested that the guards could be asked to eat.
The guards came. Roop also picked up a plate. When he was serving himself. Mr Kedia went up to him. He said, “Roop, you would have never eaten such sumptuous food. So eat with care lest you should ruin your stomach.” Roop felt humiliated. He put down the plate and walked away. The other guards ren ained indifferent to him. They enjoyed themselves.
Roop went into the lobby. He was depressed, angry and humiliated. In a fit he tore the lobby apart with his bare hands. He injured himself, and was bleeding profusely. The other guards overpowered him with much difficulty. Then he was takento hospital.
C. 2. Group Discussion :
Discuss the following in groups or pairs:
Question a.
Early marriage is a bane to the society.
- It is bad custom prevailing in some societies.
- Sometimes children below the age of five are married.
- Marriage brings many responsibilities.
- marriages should be solemnised when the boy and girl are physically and mentally mature.
- Many governments have fixed the minimum age for marriage.
- Early marriages ruin the life of many families because of financial difficulties.
Question b.
Dowry system encourages gender discrimination.
- For centuries society is dominated by men.
- Women are considered inferior to men.
- Dowry supports the view that men are superior to w omen.
- Now women are educated and are earning hands.
- They are no burden to their in-laws.
- Women’s equality with men should be acknow ledged.
- Dowry system should done away with.
- Women should be given respect they deserve.
C.3. Composition :
Write a paragraph in about 100 words on the following:
Question a.
Job and life of a security guard
These days there is a great demand for sucurity guards. Industries, banks, offices, apartment buildings, malls, etc. need security guards. There are several organisations that provide security guards. Many soldiers retired from military prefer to do this job. The security guards have a number of responsibilities. But their main job is to keep watch on the movement of people coming into a building. Sometimes secuirty guards are armed with guns. They work in shifts. Their pay is low. But they do the job because they do not get a better one. They live from hand to mouth. Though they are petty workers, they need to be treated in a civilised manner.
(b) Education and employment
Education is a means of self:development. An educated person is better informed than an uneducated person
Most people think that the purpose of education is to be able to find employment. There is no doubt that an educated person has better and more opportunities for employment. In our country there was much unemployment among educated youth. But now things have changed. Now boys and girls go in for some professional courses. These courses help them to get good jobs in industry, offices, business houses., etc. They can also set up their own business or practice.
Ex – 2. Look up a dictionary and write two meanings of each of the following words—the one in which it is used in the lesson and the other which is more comomon :
Flourish: (i) to prosper
(ii) to show ostentatiously
Counter: (i) a long flat surface across which business is conducted with customers.
(ii) against, opposing
need: (i) want
(ii) used to express what should or must be done
guess: (i) an estimate
(ii) suppose without enough information
damage: (i) financial compensation for a loss or injury
(ii) Physical harm reducing the value
drink: (i) take into the mouth and swallow
(ii) alochol or an alcoholic drink
talk: (i) speak in order to give information or express ideas or feelings
(ii) have the power of speech
experience (i) knowledge or skill gained over time
(ii) an event which leaves an impression on one
D-2. Word-formation:
Read the following lines :
kedia shouts at one worker or the other.
He was smart, efficient and did his job quietly.
See that in the first line suffix‘-er’ is added to the verb ‘work’ to form a new word “worker” which is noun. In the second line suffix ‘Iy’ is added to the adjective ‘quiet’ to form a new word ‘quietly’ which is an adverb. Use ‘- er’ and ‘-ly’ suitably in each of the blanks given below :
(i) Meetu is the own …………….. of that house.
(ii) Ajeet takes things serious ……………..
(iii) J.P. was the …………….. lead of the masses.
(iv) The Principal listened to my story indifferent ……………..
(v) Amod normal …………….. gets up a 60’clock in the morning.
(vi) Suraiy” does her work competent ……………..
(vii) She went to the Count …………….. Golden Series Passport
(viii) Roop Singh was deep ……………..disturbed.
(ix) M. F. Hussain is a great paint …………………..
(i) own + ‘er’ = owner
(ii) serious + ‘ly’ = seriously
(iii) lead + ‘er’ = leader
(iv) indifferent + ‘ly’ = indifferently
(v) normal + ‘ly’ = normally
(vii) count + ‘er’ = counter
(viii) deep + ‘ly’ = deeply
(ix) paint + ‘er’ = painter
D-3. Word-meaning :
Ex-1. Find from the lesson words the meanings of which have been given on the left hand side. The last part of each word is given on the right hand side:
be totally unaware of ……………….. vious
belonging to the highest social class ……………….. cian
some one or something not attractive ……………….. ous
willing to try or think of new ideas or methods ……………….. prising
moving hands and arms while talking ……………….. lating
used to change topic or reduce the effect of what was said before ……………….. belt
be totally unaware of – oblivious
belonging to the highest social class – patrician
someone or something not attractive – hideous
willing to try or think of new ideas or methods – enterprising
moving hands and arms while talking – gesticulating
used to change topic or reduce the effect of what was said before – albeit
Ex-2. Fill in thge blanks with suitable Adjectives below:
poky dusty smart efficient enterprisin miserable
(a) The poor are always
(b) Most of the rural roads are……………….
(c) Compaines prefer …………………. and …………. employees.
(d) He is an …………………. young man.
(e) The slums have houses.
(a) miserable
(b) dusty
(c) smart, enterprising
(d) efficient
(e) poky
D – 4. Phrasses:
Ex-1. Read the lesson carefully and find out the sentences in which the following phrases have been used. Then use them in sentences of your own:
…………….. or so Kedia shout at one worker or other …………….. (Para-5)
He turned and looked at me …………….. (Para-1 1)
he simply didn’t fit in at ll …………….. (Para-2)
He thought of me as an ally against the class enemy …………….. (Para-11)
…………….. in the next six months he may simply fold up and die …………….. (Para-4)
…………….. I guess better sense prevailed and he switched over to Hindi; …………….. (Para-12)
Kedia is now all red in the face and bluster breaks out of it like hot air from a punctured balloon …………….. (Para-5)
…………….. and Roop had to leave his studies and look for a job …………….. (Para-23)
Sentences From given Phrases
Shout at – The employer shouted at the employee.
Look at – He asked me to look at the picture.
Fit in – He is not fit in the dress.
Think of – My father thinks of my betterment.
Fold up – If a party is not organised in a fortnight he may simply fold up and die.
Switch over – Thinking me more competent he switched over to Hindi.
Break out – She broke out into tears.
Look for – I am looking for a job.
E. Grammar :
Read the following examples :
(a) Kedia scolded the guard, (active voice)
(b) The guard was scolded by Kedia. (passive voice)
Here, the first sentence is an Active Voice which has been changed into Passive Voice in the second sentence. Change the following sentences into Passive Voice.
(a) He welcomed my guests.
(b) We have made these rules.
(c) He criticised Roop for everything and anything.
(d) They had tied him up with a rubber hose-pipe.
(e) Someone has to pay for the damage.
(a) My guests were welcomed by him.
(b) These rules have been made by us.
(c) Roop was critised by him for everything and anything.
(d) He had been tied up by them with a rubber hose-pipe.
(e) The damage has to be paid.
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