Bihar Board Class 8 English Book Solutions The Teen Horrors

English Subject experts who are having max years of experience prepared this Bihar Board Solutions for Class 8 English Book Solutions The Teen Horrors. They have explained all the topics covered in the board prescribed latest syllabus in a simple way to understand easily. So, students can prepare English from this Bihar Class 8 solutions book PDF. Download the Bihar Board Class 8 English Workbook Solutions PDF by accessing the below links and learn properly for the final exams to score well.

BSEB Bihar Board Class 8 English Book Solutions Ending the Evil

Question 1.
Which age group is labelled as teen or teenage ? Are there any changes in the body during this period ? If yes, name some of the changes in body, moods, temperament etc.) you may have noticed in yourself and your friends during teenage. List them. Are the changes pleasant or horrible ?
Age group of thirteen years to nineteen years is labelled as teenage. Yes, there are some changes occurring in the body during this period. Some changes are-the body develops as well as the mind, their mood changes very frequently There are different changes in their temperament. They become irritable, reckless, feel agression and depression. They even feel lazy and more sleepy during this age-group.

Let’s Do

Question 1.
Make a list of Teenage problems.
Many problems worry the teenagers. Among them, some are

  1. Unwanted hairs.
  2. Tension of gaining height more and more.
  3. Irritability grows in them.
  4. Mood swings are also faced by them.
  5. They become reckless in this period.
  6. They also become aggressive.
  7. They feel depression during this phase.
  8. They try hard to look like adult.
  9. They feel rebelling towards their parents.
  10. They always try to impress others.

Bihar Board Class 8 English Book Solutions The Teen Horrors

Question 2.
Make a list of games that teenagers love to play.
The teenagers love to play these games:

  1. Badminton
  2. Chess
  3. Carrom
  4. Cycling.
  5. bike-racing
  6. cricket
  7. football
  8. basket ball

The Teen Horrors Summary in Hindi

The body and mind grows rapidly during the teenage. There are many changes of hormones in this age-phase. Due to which the teenagers feel and face many problems. Body changes are mostly ocurred during this age-phase. For his they have to face irritability and changes in mood and recklessness, aggression and depression, laziness and also rebel feelings towards their parents.

A teenager also faces the tension of gaining height. They become more responsible, mature and adult like during this age. They come close to some persons in this phase that teaches -them to know about their identity. So, teenage is very important phase of a person.

The Teen Horrors Summary in Hindi

किशोरावस्था में शरीर और दिमाग में तीव्र परिवर्तन सामने आते हैं। इस दौर में किशोरों के शरीर में हार्मोन संबंधी भी कई परिवर्तन होते हैं। इस कारण से किशोर कई प्रकार की समस्याओं को महसूस करते हैं और उन समस्याओं का सामना भी करना होता है उन्हें । शरीर में परिवर्तन भी सबसे ज्यादा इसी समय होते हैं। इस कारण से उनमें चिडचिडापन, मठ में परिवर्तन, असावधानी, उग्र स्वभाव और दबाव भी आ जाता है। साथ ही उनमें आलसपन और माता-पिता का विरोध करने का अवगुण भी आ जाता है।

किशोरों में अपनी लम्बाई बढ़ाने की चिन्ता भी खूब होती है। इस दौर में वे समझदार, जिम्मेवार और परिपक्व होते हैं और वयस्कों की तरह होने लगते हैं। वे कुछ लोगों के ज्यादा करीब आते हैं जिससे उनमें अपनी पहचान के बारे में समझ बनती है। अत: किसी व्यक्ति में यह उम्र का दौर सबसे ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण होता है।

The Teen Horrors Hindi Translation of The Chapter

Age group (n) [एक ग्रूप] = उम्र-समूह | Labelled (v) [लेबल्ड] . = भेद करना, वर्ग-समूह में बांटना | Period (n) [पीरिअड] = अवस्था, दौर । Mood (n) [मूड] = मन । Temperament (n) [टेम्परामेन्ट] = स्वभाव । Pleasant (adj)[प्लेजेन्ट] = खुश करने वाला । Horrible (adj) हॉरिबल] = डराने वाला । Transit (v) [ट्रान्जिट] = गमन या प्रवेश करना । Smoothly (adv) [स्मूदली] = सहजता-सरलता से । Adulthood (m) [अडल्टहूड] = वयस्क होने की अवस्था । Worse (adj) [वर्स) = बेहद बुरा या खराब । Unwanted (adj) [अनवान्टेड] = न चाहा गया, नापसंद किया जाने वाला। Curves (n) [कस] = घुमाव, गोलाइयाँ । Awkward (adj) [ऑकवर्ड] = भद्दा | Spurts (n)[स्पर्ट्स = कठिन मेहनत/श्रम । Basic (adj)[बेसिक] = मूलतः, प्रारम्भिक । Facts (n) [फैक्ट्स ] = तथ्य । Normally (adv) [नार्मलि) = सामान्य रूप से | Growth (n) [ग्रोथ] = विकास ।

Puberty (n) [पूबर्टि] = यौवन, तरुण अवस्था। Inwards (adv) [इनवर्ड्स] = अंदर की ओर । Onset (n) [ऑनसेट] = आक्रमण, चढ़ाई। Estimate (v) [एस्टिमेट] = अनुमान करना । Spine (n) [स्पाइन] = पीठ की रीढ़ । Expansion (n) (एक्सपेन्सन] = विस्तार | Pelvis (n) [पेल्विस] = कमर का हिस्सा, वस्तिप्रदेश | Hips (n) [हिप्स] = नितंब, पृष्ठभाग | Sudden (adj) (सडन] = आकस्मिक, अचानक । Spurt (n) [स्पर्ट्स = प्रयत्न, कोशिश । Clumsy (adj) [क्लमजी] = पेचीदा | Centre (n) [सेन्टर] = केन्द्र । Gravity (m) [विटी) = भारीपन । Irritability (n) [इरिटिबिलिटी] = चिड़चिड़ापन । Swing (v) [स्विंग = परिवर्तन करना । Concern (n) [कनसन] = संबंध । Requirement (n) [रिक्वायरमेन्ट] = जरूरत, आवश्यकता | Recipe (n) [रिसाइप] = नुस्खा | Row (n) [रो] = कलह, झगड़ा । Scientific (adj) |साइंटिफिक] = वैज्ञानिक । Varying (adj) [वैरिइंग] = परिवर्तन करने वाला ।

Hormones (n) [हारमोन्स) = शरीर का पुष्टिकर रासायनिक तत्व । Recklessness (n)[रेकनेसनेस] = असावधानी । Depression (n) [डिप्रेशन] = दबाव । Despite (adv)[डिस्पाइट] = बावजूद I Upheavel (n) |अपहीवल] = बढ़ना | Adolescent (adj) [एडॉलेसेन्ट) = यौवनप्राप्त । Loathe (v) [लोद] = घृणा करना, नफरत करना । Behaviour (m) [बिहेविअर) = व्यवहार । Impressing (v) [इम्प्रेसिंग) = प्रभावित करना । Goofing up (phr) [गफिंग अप] = मूर्खतापूर्ण गलतियाँ करना । Disapproval (n) [डिस्एप्रूवल) = अस्वीकृति । Rebelling (v) [रिबेलिंग] = विरोध करना | Risk (n) |रिस्क] = खतरा | Experiment (n) [एक्सपेरिमेन्ट] = प्रयोग । Responsibility (n) [रेस्पॉन्सिबिलिटी] = दायित्व । Action (n) [एक्शन] = कार्य । Mature (adj) [मैच्योर] = परिपक्व | Adult-like (adj) [एडल्ट-लाइक] = वयस्क की तरह | Advanced (adj) [एडवान्स्ड] = उन्नत ।

Emerge (v) [इमर्ज] = प्रकट होना । Emotional (adj) (इमोशनल) = भावनात्मक । Region (n) [रीजन] = क्षेत्र | Acquire (v) [एक्वायर] = प्राप्त करना । Ability (n) |एबिलिटी) = योग्यता । Sense (n) |सेन्ड] = समझ। Extraordinary (adj) (एक्स्ट्राऑर्डिनरी] = असाधारण । Intense (adj) [इन्टेन्स] = तीव्र, गहरा | Researcher (n)[रिसर्चर] = शोधकर्ता | Identified (v) [आइडेन्टिफाइड] = पहचाने । Pathways (n) [पाथवेज] = रास्ते । Intimacy (n) [इन्टिमेसी] = घनिष्ठता | Identity (n) [आइडेन्टिटी] = पहचान । Involve (v) [इनवॉल्व] = शामिल करना । Openness (n) [ओपननेस] = खुलापन । Trust (n) [ट्रस्ट] = विश्वास | Maturity (n) (मैच्योरिटी] = परिपक्वता । Right ahead (phr) [राइट अहेड] = सीधे आगे।

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