Bihar Board Class 8 English Grammar Voice

English Subject experts who are having max years of experience prepared this Bihar Board Class 8 English Grammar Voice. They have explained all the topics covered in the board prescribed latest syllabus in a simple way to understand easily. So, students can prepare English from this Bihar Class 8 book PDF. Download the Bihar Board Class 8 English Workbook PDF by accessing the below links and learn properly for the final exams to score well.

BSEB Bihar Board Class 8 English Grammar Voice

Verb का वह रूप जो यह बतलाता है कि वाक्य में verb का प्रयोग _subject के अनुसार है या object के अनुसार, Voice कहलाता है ।

Voice के दो भेद हैं :

  1. Active Voice एक्टिव वॉयस कर्तृवाक्य
  2. Passive Voice पैसिव वॉयस कर्मवाच्य

1. Active Voice (कर्तृवाच्य)-Verb के जिस रूप से subject (कर्ता) की प्रधानता मालूम पड़े, Active Voice कहलाता है । जैसे Hari eats a mango.

2.Passive Voice (कर्मवाच्य) Verb के जिस रूप से object की प्रध नता मालूम पड़े, उसे Passive Voice कहते हैं। जैसे Amango is eaten by Hari.

Active Voice से Passive Voice में बदलने के नियम निम्नलिखित हैं

  1. Passive Voice में Active Voice का Obect subject के स्थान पर subject Object के स्थान पर आ जाता है ।
  2. Object के साथ by का प्रयोग होता है
  3. Verb का तीसरा रूप अर्थात Past Participle हो जाता है ।

नीचे दिये गये उदाहरण से छात्र इसे समझने का प्रयास करें ।

  1. Active – Hari eats a mango.
  2. Passive. – A mango is eaten by Hari.

ऊपर के उदाहरण में Active Voice में Hari को subject के स्थान पर रखा गया है । जबकि दूसरे वाक्य में इसे वाक्य के अन्त में अर्थात object के स्थान पर रखा गया है।

इसी तरह प्रथम वाक्य में प्रयुक्त object mango दूसरे वाक्य में subject के स्थान पर रखा गया है | object के साथ by का प्रयोग हुआ

है और मुख्य क्रिया ‘eat’ अपने तीसरे रूप (eaten) में प्रयुक्त है।

Note : Active Voice वाक्य subject Auxaliary Verb (is/am/are/was/were)
के प्रयाग नहीं Passive Voice में Subject के अनुसार Auxiliary Verb का प्रयोग जरूरी है। ऊपर के उदाहरण में इसे ध्यान से देखें। नीचे का उदाहरण भी देखें ।

  1. Active – Mohan reads a book.
  2. Passive – A book is read by Mohan.

Active Voice से Passive Voice में बदलने के नियम Tense के अनुसार निम्नलिखित हैं

Present Indefinite (सिंपल प्रेजेंट)
Mohan loves Suresh
Suresh is loved by Mohan.

अगर Pronoun का प्रयोग subject की तरह हो तो Pronoun निम्नलिखित रूप में बदलते हैं

I – me, we – us, you – you, he-him, they – them, sleher etc.

  1. I kill a tiger – A tiger is killed by me.
  2. We read the Ramayan – The Ramayan is read by us.

Present Imperfect

  1. I am reading a book – A book is being read by me.
  2. You are doing this work. – This work is being done by you.

इस Tense के Passive Voice में being का प्रयोग होता है ।

Present Perfect I have done this work. This work has been done by me. He has killed a tiger. A tiger has been killed by us. इस Tense art Passive been

Note : Present Perfect Continuous वाक्य Passive Voice a नहाता बटना

Past Indefinite

  1. Active – Ram ate a bread.
  2. Passive – A bread was eaten by Ram.
  3. Active – He saw me.
  4. Passive I was seen by him.

Past Imperfect

  1. Active – He was singing a song.
  2. Passive – A song was being sung by him.
  3. Active – Ram was reading a book.
  4. Passive – A book was being read by Ram.

Note: इस Tense के Passive Voice में being का प्रयोग होता है।

Past Perfect

  1. Active – I had killed a tiger.
  2. Passive – A tiger had been killed by me.
  3. Active – Radha had read the lesson.
  4. Passive – The lesson had been read by Radha.

Past Perfect Continuous का Passive form नहीं होता है ।

Future Indefinite

  1. Active – I shall do this work.
  2. Passive – This work will be done by me.
  3. Active – She will sing a song.
  4. Passive – A song will be sung by her.

इस Tense में प्रयाग होता

Future Perfect

  1. Active – I shall have done this work.
  2. Passive – This work will have been done by me.
  3. Active – Shyam will have sing a song.
  4. Passive – A song will have been sung by Shyam.

इस Tense में Passive Voice में been का प्रयोग होता है Future Imperfect site Future Perfect Continuous Tense के Passive Voice नहीं होता है।

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