Looking to improve English skills and gain more subject knowledge then the best resources that you can use here is Bihar Board Class 12 English Solutions Poem 2 Echo. In the Bihar Class 12 English Poem 2 Echo and Culture textbook solution pdf, subject experts covered all types of questions and answers related to the topics, quick notes, summary, solved & unsolved exercises, etc. If you are planning to prepare Chapter via textbook, then you’re suggested to go with this Bihar Board Class 12 English Chapter Textbook Solutions PDF for better understanding and preparation
BSEB Bihar Board 12th English Book 50 Marks Solutions Poem 2 Echo
If you have any queries take the help of the Bihar Board Class 12 English Solutions Poem 2 Echo and Culture and learn all the topics in it effectively. Make use of the Bihar Board Solutions for Class 12 English be it Passages, Meanings, Comprehensions, Sentence Correction, or any other random topic of your choice. We have everything covered and you can Practice them often to score better grades in your exam. By going through the Bihar Board Solutions for Class 12 English you can attempt the actual exam with utmost confidence.
Bihar Board 12th English Echo Textbook Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Who wrote the poem “Echo”.
Walter De La Mare wrote this poem “Echo”.
Question 2.
When and where was he born ?
Walter De La Mare was born on April 26,1873 are Cholton, Kent.
Question 3.
When did he di ?
Walter De La Mare died in 1952.
Question 4.
Write the chief works of the poet.
The chief works of the poet are The Return, The Three mulla Mulgars, The Listerers and other poems, peacock pie memories of a mid get. The Ridde Broom Sticks, Told Again etc.
Question 5.
What is the central idea of tech poem “Echo” ?
The central idea of the poem is mystery behind an echo. To the poet, it seems that he is being followed by some persons who always try to answer back whatever he says.
Question 6.
Who is “I” in the poem ?
The poet is “I” in this poem.
Question 7.
What do you mean by “leafy boughs” ?
It means bough’s of the trees full of leaves.
Question 8.
What do you understand by “bither thither” ?
These two words mean here and there ‘everywhere.
Question 9.
Give two examples of onomatopoea ?
The word onomatopoea is a figure of speech which means sound signifying sense. For this word two examples are
(i) hissing
(ii) whispersing.
Question 10.
What do you understand by the following lines:
“Eyes in the green in the shade,
In the motionless brake,
Voices the said what I said,
for mockery’s sake”.
In the above said stanza the poet means to say that the looked here and there that is “In the green in the shade” but he found no one there naturally it seemed to him that somebody was replying to him mockingly.
Question 11.
Show that you have read and understood the poem “Echo”.
Or, Show your acquaintance with the poem “Echo”.
Or, Critically appriciate the poem “Echo “.
Echo is a beautiful poem composed by Walter de la Mare, an eminent poet of the Edwardian age. The poem deals with a very simple experience that is how our sound is reflected back.
This is a personal experience of the poet which ultimately gets common sanction. The poet stood in the open space of a Jungle and said in loud voice who called ? No sooner it was spoken, than the poet heard the echo of his own voice-who called ? Who called one short sentence from the poet had produced two or more than two sentences. The sound who called rang in the atmosphere which baffled the birds. The birds became alert but they could not locate the original source of the echoing sound. The poet to wondered how his words were echoed back, who repeated who called ? Who called ?’ after him.
The poet stood in the open space of a thick forest. He imagines as if his sound went up to the leaves of the farthest branches of the trees, When he said, ‘who called ?’ loudly, the leaves hissed on the sun’. Beneath the trees it was all dark. It is really wonderful how the poet finds the air dark (dark air) which carried his cry to the unknown region.
‘Eyes in teh green’ in the third stanza suggest the rare gift of imagination which the poet had. The poet imagines as if there were some mysterious creatures behind the leaves and the trees looking at him but he was not able to spot them out Perhaps it were these creatures who rectumed his call. His simple who called ?’ was mockingly returned as who called ? Who called ?’ He thought they were unmocking his voice.
We find the poet’s reaction to the mimicry in the fourth and the last stanza of the poem. The mimicry brought a mixed feeling in the poet, of irritation and pain. Hence with tears in his eyes he cried aloud ‘who cares ?’ The show wind carried his voice to the furthest end of the forest. But very soon the poet received the same mimicking sound. Who cares ? Who cares ? rang throughout the forest.
The word used in the poem are simple and appropriate, ‘whispering glades’ ‘leafy boughts’, ‘dark air’ are some of fine uses language in the poem.
The lines.
The leafy bought on high
Hissed on the sun
and ‘who called ? who called ?
appeal to us at acoustic level.
Music plays key role in creating a dream like situation in the poem. There is a conscious effort on the part of De La Mare to create musical effect in the poem. Hence we get alternate rhyme scheme in the poem. It is a successful poem by Waleter De La Mare.
Question 12.
How would you explain echo through the content of the first stanza of the poem ?
Echo is produced when a sound is reflected or sent back. In the first stanza of the poem, the poet refers to his own experience. In an open space of a certain forest the poet said who called in a loud voice. No sooner it was spoken than his words were reflected the whole atmosphere rang with who called ? Who called ? This was the echo of the poets original who called ?
Question 13.
What do you understand by the following lines.
This leafy boughs on high
Hissed on the Sun
When who called ? form the poet produced an echo it resounded throughout the immediates sorrounding of the poet. The echo might have reached the twings of the trees, leaves on high branches of the trees were moving as the wind blew. The poet imagines as of the leaves were making hissing sound to the sun.
Question 14.
What is the significance of ‘eye’ in the third stanza of the poem?
The ‘eyes’ referred to in the third stanza of the poem suggest the possibility of the presence of some mysterious creatures in the forest who were perhaps seeing the poet but whom the poet could not see.
Question 15.
Why did the poet say who cares ? and to what effect ?
When the poet heard who called ? Who called he thought some unknown persons were mimicking him. He did not like this taunting reply. Actually he had mixed feeling of anger and pain and so with tears in his eyes he cried aloud ‘who cares ? ‘But who cares ?’ too produced the same effect which the earlier who called ? had produced. He heard the echo of “Who cares?” which we notice in the last two lines of the last stanza of the poem. In the silence, who cares ? who cares ? wailed to and fro.
The echo too bore the same wailing tenor which was there in the original ‘who cares ?’
Question 16.
Why were the birds baffled ?
The birds were baffled to hear the echo produced by the words ‘who called ? of the poet. To the birds such sound was quite unusual, they were used to the quietude of the forest.
Question 17.
What do you understand by whispening glades ?
Whispening glades in the first stanza refer to the twittering sound produced by the birds on the trees round the open space of the forest.
Echo Word Meanings
Whispering = फुस्फुसाहट, leafy = पत्तेदार । shade = छाया | motionless = गतिहीन । tears = आँसू । to and frow = इधर-उधर ।
Echo Paraphrase
Who called ? ………… who called ?
The speaker was in the forest. He said who called ? His words travelled through the clear open spaces in the forest. Who called ? resounded here and here in the jungle. The echo who called ? Who called puzzled the birds they could not understand where from sound was coming to them.
The leafy boughs ………… faintingly on.
Even the high large branches at the top of the trees seemed to receive the echoing sound which they passed on to the sun. Under the trees the air is dark. When the speaker speaks out loudly the leaves make hissing sound the dark air carries his cry further.
Eyes in the green ………… sake.
Here the poet makes use of his imagination. He imagines as if some unseen persons are hidden behind the trees in darkness. Perhaps the echo is made by them. He imagines that the eyes which he cannot see are looking at him from all comers of the thick forest. The echo of ’who called is produced by those unseen persons just to ridicule him.
Who cares ………… to and fro.
The speaker sharply reacts to the mocking tone of echo coming from the unseen persons. He cries in his loud shrill voice who cares ? The speed of the wind slows down and once again the speaker is baffled at the echo. Who cares who cares ? once again he hears the same type of mocking sound.
Echo About the Poet
Walter De la mare (1873-1956) a poet of great imagination and craftsmanship was born in 1873 at Charlton in Kent. He wrote poems novels fantasy and critical essays but primarily he was a lyric poet. He was a teller of hounting tales, a poet of childhood wonder and of strange beauty. Came Hither” which came in 1923 makes a delightful reading for children we find ourselves floating along with the poet in a dream world such is the atmosphere of the poems by De La Mare.
Walter De La mare wrote with directness and simplicity and in a wide variety of measures. His poems are always musical, evoling a sense of the strange, the pathetic, the other-wordly whimsical and the charming.
Echo Summary in Hindi
‘किसने पुकारा’-मैंने कहा और मेरे वे शब्द जंगल की पगडंडियों में फुसफुसाहट के स्वर में यहाँ-वहाँ सभी जगह गूंजने लगे । कुछ इतना अधिक कि पक्षी भ्रमित हो गए । ये सुनकर-किसने पुकारा । किसने पुकारा।
पेड़ों की ऊपरी शाखाओं के पत्ते सूरज से फुसफुसा कर यही शब्द कहने लगे-किसने पुकारा । अंधेरा मेरे इन शब्दों को मद्धिम होते स्वर में फैलाने लगा-किसने पुकारा ।
पड़ों की परछाई में से ऐसा लगता है मानो कई जोड़ी आँखें निहार रही हैं । लगता है अदृश्य लोग पेड़ों के पीछे ठिठके हुए हैं और निहार रहे हैं कि कौन पुकार रहा है । पुकारने वाला है कौन?
आँखों में आँसू लिए मैं चीख उठा-‘किसको फिकर है’ । एकाएक हवा ठहर गई । फिर नीरवता में यह चीख भी गूंजने लगी-‘किसको फिकर है’, किसको फिकर है ।’ फिर बिलख-बिलखकर रोने लगी-‘किसको फिकर है’, ‘किसको फिकर है’।
Echo Summary in English
‘Echo’ deals with a very simple human exprience, that is how does any sound echo. The speaker stood in a forest and said who called ? No sooner it was spoken than the sound returned ‘Who called ? Who called. Actually the speaker’s sound travelled through the clear open spaces in the forest. The sound ‘who called’ rang in the atmosphere. The birds were puzzled they could not locate the source of the souond. The speaker was no less buffled as to how his words were echoed back what was the object which returned his sound ?
The speaker stood in the open space of a thick forest. He imagines as if his sound went upto the leaves of the fathest branches of the trees. Those leaves seemed to pass it on to the sun. Beneath the trees the air was dark. Where he said, who called loudly, the leaves made hissing sound, the dark air carried his cry to the region not known to the speaker.
In the third stanza of the poem the poet imagines as if there were some mysterious creatures behind the rees who were looking at him but he was not able to spot them out. Perhaps his call was returned by those mysterious creatures. His simple ‘who called was mockingly returned to him in the form of ‘who called’ was called.
The speaker perhaps did not like this mocking tone. He reacted sharply and cried in his loud shrill voice who cares The wind slowed down once again his voice was reflected back and who cares, who cares ? rang throughout the forest. The speaker heard his own weeping tone.
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