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Rainbow English Book Class 11 Solutions Poem 1 Where The Mind is Without Fear
Check out the topics covered in Chapter before you start your preparation. Improve your grammar skills with the help of Bihar Board Class 11 English Book Solutions Poem 1 Where The Mind is Without Fear Questions and Answers pdf links. The solutions for Bihar State Board Class 11 English Textbook are prepared by the English experts. So, if you follow Bihar Board Class 11 English Textbook Solutions you can cover all the topics in 1 Where The Mind is Without Fear. This helps to improve your communication skills.
Bihar Board Class 11 English Where The Mind is Without Fear Textual Questions and Answers
A. Work in Small groups and discuss these questions :
Question 1.
Do you think birds and animals in cages are happy ?
I think birds and animals which are kept in cages are not happy. They cannot move freely. They can neither take flight nor can they run freely.
Question 2.
Would any of you like to live a life of slavery ?
No body can like to live a life of slave. Everybody wants freedom. But freedom does not mean any type of anarchy or encroachment. Freedom accompanied with safety and discipline is preferred by all.
Question 3.
Would you like to live a life of freedom. Why ?
I would prefer the life of freedom where we can have the freedom of speech. We can speak truth fearlessly. We can enjoy with whatever our own. We feel safe. We can have the freedom of mind. We can express our thought in writing.
Question 4.
How would you interpret the freedom of a nation ?
The freedom of nation means the nation should have its own language, constitution, emblem flag. Its people have love and respect for it. Its people may sacrifice their all for its protection. The people of the nation should have pride for the glory of their nation.
B. Answer the following questions briefly :
Question 1.
What do you think is special about the composition of the poem ?
This poem is covered with patriotic note. The poem seems to be the work of that time when our country was not free. The poet Rabindranath Tagore wants to say that our freedom is not perfect. We have to struggle for achieving heaven of freedom on this land. He says that our society is full of narrow domestic walls. It is shaking the integrity of the nation. He wants that his country should win freedom and progress in the path of peace and progress.
Question 2.
What does the poet pray to God with regard to the state of mind of the Indians ?
The poet was pained to think of the economic and social backwardness of the Indian people. He was not only a nationalish but a great spiritualist as well. He had firm faith in India. He prayed to God for spiritual, moral and economic freedom for the Indian people. He prayed further that his country should grow up in an atmosphere of fearlessness.
Question 3.
What docs ‘Narrow domestic walls’ refer to in the poem ? What do the walls do ?
‘Narrow domestic walls’ suggest narrow division of state and country. Artificial barriers of caste, creed and language are dividing the country into small units. Such walls divide artificially man from man. Thus narrowness must be knocked down to create a world of free from narrow mindedness.
Question 4.
What sort of a place is the poet talking about in the first two lines ?
In the first two lines the poet Rabindranath Tagore has written about the ideal state of freedom. Where the mind of its people is free all fear and humiliation. Where they do not have to bow their heads before their master. Such a feeling will progress rapidly.
Question 5.
How concerned is the poet about the nation’s state of affairs ?
India is a developing country but is hoplessly divided against it self. There are disputes and conflicts among various regligious, linguistic and ethnic groups. But poet Tagore wants a state of peace where all are equal. There must be brotherhood and unity. Only then a state will get perfection.
Question 6.
How can perfection be achieved ?
People make constant effort to take their country to the highest place, perfection can be achieved through fearless mind, free knowledge and deep philosophical wisdom. Above all it can be achieved through tireless effort.
Question 7.
What does Tagore mean by ‘deary desert sand of dead habit’ ?
The power of reasoning has been compared to a clear stream because where there is no clearity there can be no reason. This clear stream of reason is likely to get lost and dried in the dreary desert sand of dead habit. The Nation occupies the highest place which has fresh and clear thinking and not the barencess of dead habit.
C. 1. Long Answer Type Questions :
Question 1.
Narrate the gist of the poem in your own words.
This is a deeply patriotic poem. The poet Rabindranath Tagore says that his country is not yet free. It is sleeping in the darkness of salvery and bondage. He prays to God to awaken his country of his countrymen from this sleep of slavery. He wants his country to be awakened into a state of ideal freedom which he. calls ‘ ‘the heaven of freedom’. In this state of ideal freedom his countrymen will have no fear or humiliation. They can walk with their heads held high and genuine pride. In such a country knowledge will be freely available to all and not only to a few people of the ruling class.
It will be a country which will have true unity. There will be wisdom and honest and tireless efforts towards progress. There will be fresh and clear thinking free from fear. The countrymen will be able to devote themselves to their rapid progress of their nation though though and action. The poet prays to God to let his countrymen awaken into such an awareness of ideal freedom.
Question 2.
What does the poet mean by “heaven of freedom” ? What are its constituents ?
Freedom according to the poet has a larger meaning. The freedom, which he have got is political freedom only. He wants his countrymen to be awakened into the state of ideal freedom/which he calls the “heaven of freedom”. In this state of freedom, his country-men will have no fear or humiliation. They can walk with their heads held high. In such a country knowledge will freely available to all. It will be a country which will have true unity. There will be wisdom and honest and tirless efforts towards progress. There will fresh and clear thinking free from fear. In brief the poet wishes for a heaven of freedom on this land. The poet is praying to God for bringing to freedom on this land.
So, according to the poet there are many constituents of heaven of freedom, such as free from slavery, state of ideal freedom, no fear, no humliation. Sence of high pride free knowledge, tr ie unity, wisdom, honesty, honest labour of the people, national thinking.
Question 3.
Does the title of the poem convey Tagore’s vision of India ? Explain.
The title of the poem “Where the Mind is Without Fear” the poet has successfully conveyed Tagore’s vision of India. Rabindranath Tagore wants his country free from slavery and bondage. He wants his country free from humiliation. This countrymen should be without fear. There should be knowledge and wisdom in the people. A country with unity, progress, free from fear. This he calls a ideal freedom. He prays to God that the heaven of freedom should come on this land (India).
The whole poem revolves round the title “Where the Mind is Without Fear”. Each and every aspect of the poem indicates the sence of present title. The title of the poem has very successfully conveyed the poets vision of India. So the title of the poem is suitable and proper.
Question 4.
How far does India of today resemble Tagor’s vision of free country ?
To our mind India of today does not resemble Tagore’s vision of a free country. Rabindranath Tagore was a patriotic nationalist. He has a special vision of independent India. He was of the view that our country should awakened into a state of ideal freedom which he calls ‘ ‘the heaven of freedom”. In the state of ideal freedom his country men will have no fear, no humuliation. People should walk with their heads high. A country full of knowledge, wisdom, unity, progress, devotionwas the desire of the poet Rabindranath Tagore.
But after freedom this did not happen. India is stilf backward. Million of people in India are still poor and illitrate. This country is hopelessly divided into many relegious, linguistic and ethenic groups. People have lost their power of national thinking. “Tagore” dream of a heaven of freedom for India remains unrealished. In fact India is passing through the worst period in her history. Corruption is prevelant in all sheres of life. If tagore had being alive to study the condition of life in free India, he would have been deeply shoolked.
Question 5.
Why does Tagore use ‘where’ seven times in the poem ? Explain
The poem “Where the Mind is Without Fear” The poet Rabindranath Tagore has used the word “Where seven times each and every sentence starts with fear. It means that all the sentences starting with where are dependents sentences. We may call it subordinate sentences. Only the last sentence is a principal sentence that is ‘ ‘Into that heaven of freedom, my father, let me country awake”. In this sentence “let my country is a principle clause.”
Question 6.
What is partriotism ? Discuss “Where the Mind is Without Fear’ as a patriotic poem ?
Patrotism means love for the country. The poet “Where the Mind is Without Fear” a man who is patriot is always ready to sacrifice everything for the well being of the country. A patriot man calls his country, ‘ ‘Motherland’ ’
C. 2. Group Discussion :
Discuss the following in groups or pairs
(a) Freedom is our birth right.
(b) ‘Narrow domestic walls’ have to be done away with if we want to live amicably.
(a) Freedom is our birthright. We have been granted the fundamental rights as the right to speak truth, right to education, right to keep property from genuine means, right to get justice, etc. These rights were not granted to all when there was British rule in India. No body could speak truth. The right of justice was not equal for all because we were slave of the Britishers.
(b) Narrow domestic walls’ means the confinement within one’s family, caste, creed and a small society. For the welfare of the society and country we should break such narrow domestic walls and we should widen our views. If we think for the welfare of all,- they will also think for our welfare. The life becomes easy and beautiful with the help of each others co-operation and help. Thus by the co-operative hands we can get a rid of any type of problem. We alone cannot succeed in this life.
C. 3. Composition:
Write a paragraph in about 100 words on the following :
(a) India of our dream
(b) Importance of intellectual freedom
(a) India of our dream
We are Indian. India is our identity. We must save our identity. Our languages and cultures are different still we are known as Indian. Our nationality is one, we all are Indian. It is our duty to save our country. We should make every effort to make our country prosperous rich in culture and advanced in science and technology. Our dream for India should be to make it glorious and developed in the world. For all these all Indians should have the facility of food, clothes and sheltre. They should have economic freedom. They should have equal right education and employment.
There should be no discrimination on the basis of caste or creed, community or religion. Educational and medical facilities should be granted to all free of charge. Justice should be equally granted to all. People should not the measured in terms of money. They all should work, together for the development of the country. Our joint effort should be made to make our country super power.
(b) Importance of Intellectual freedom.
Intellectual freedom means the freedom of mind. Man does not require only food, clothes and shelter. He also requires to exercise his mind freely. He can think, and exercise his though in independent way. Man is a national animal. The requirements of food, clothes and shelter are for animals also. Animals fulfill all their these requirement, in their own way. But the man required something more than all these things. Their mind are creative. They want to express their thoughts either in verbal or graphic way. They want to do something for the welfare of all.
They want to invent something. They write something to enlighten. The way of the human being. So they must be granted the intellectual freedom so that they may create or invent something for human being. All the scientific inventions like aeroplane, train, bus, radio, television and computer are the result of intellectual freedom.
D. Word study:
D. 1. Dictionary Use
Ex. 1. Correct the Spelling of the following words :
Knowdedge, strech, widningh, even country
Knowledge, stretch widening heaven-country.
Ex. 2. Look up a dictionary and write two meanings of each of the following words-the one in which it is used in the lesson and the other which is more common:
fear mind free narrow desert forward
fear: (i) feeling of danger or evil (ii) dread or reverence.
mind: (i) couscious though (ii) take care of
narrow: (i) limited (ii) carefully
desert: (i) barren land (ii) to leave
forward : (i) directed towards the front (ii) send (utter, etc.)
D. 2. Word-Formation
Ex. Read the following lines carefully
Where words come out from the depth df truth;
Where knowledge is free.
In the above lines the words ‘depth’ and ‘knowledge ’ are abstract nouns which hake been derived from adjective ‘deep’ and verb ‘know ’ respectively. Now, from abstract nouns from the verbs and objectives given below:
high true free perfect think act lose
D. 3. Word-Meaning
Ex. 1. Find from the lesson words the meanings of which have been given in ‘column A’. The last part of each word is given in ‘column B’:
range of information, understanding—knowledge
part broken off, separated—fragment
to pull something to make it longer or wider—stretch
small in width or limited in outlook—narrow
the nation as a whole with territory—country
Ex. 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words given below :
mind fragments words country father
(i) Several languages are spoken in our ……………….
(ii) His ………………. was a minister.
(iii) Arya was trying to put the ………………. of a broken were together.
(iv) Pragya has made up her ………………. to be a doctor.
(v) When we speak we put our thoughts into ……………….
(i) country
(ii) father
(iii) fragments
(iv) mind
(v) words.
E. Grammar:
Ex. 1. Read the following sentences carefully :
My father, let may country awake into that heaven of freedom where the mind is without fear.
In the sentence given above ‘where ’ is a relative pronoun that joins two sentence (clauses): ‘My father, let my country awake into that heaven of freedom’ and ‘The mind is without fear in that heaven of freedom. ‘Note also how the relative pronoun comes immediately after its antecdent, noun.
Join the following sentences using, ‘when’, ‘whom’ and ‘who’
(i) I know the person. He has come to meet me.
(ii) Amandeep liked that shop. He got everything there.
(iii) Gyandero came to my house in the evening. I was away that time.
(iv) I met A mod on the road. He was coming from Indore.
(v) Subject handled the situation wonderfully. I had given him timely advice.
(i) I know the person who had come to meet me.
(ii) Amandeep liked that shop when he got everything there.
(iii) Gyandeo came to my house in the evening when I was away.
(iv) I met Amod on the road who was coming from Indore.
(v) Subject handled the situation wonderfully whom I had given timely advice.
F. Activities:
Read the following lines carefully and tell if you notice anything special about the sound:
(a) ‘Where the mind is without fear and the had is held height;’
(b) ‘Where tireless striving stretches its ames towards perfection; ’
(c) ‘Into that heaven of freedom, my father, let my country awake’
(a) In this sentence there is the use of alliteration. Repeated use of ‘h’ makes the line very specific.
(b) In this line also there is the use of alliteration in words’ striving stretches’. There is also the use of hyperbole.
(c) This sentence is also hyperbolic. Freedom has been compared to heaven. This concluding line has been highly emphatic.
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